Saturday, November 29, 2014

And So It Begins...

Welcome, and thanks for checking out my blog! I'm so happy you're here.

Let's start from the beginning. This will be the place where I chart my journey. In short, I am on a mission of transformation. I want to change my life, dramatically - for the better. Not that things are so terrible now - I have a terrific husband, 3 wonderful children, a loving family and many good friends and acquaintances. I live in a safe neighborhood, and have just about everything I truly need. However, there are still some things I need to change.

I've been somewhat overweight for most of my life. Never hugely so. I was a slightly chubby kid and teen, and then I put on 30lbs during college. I then lost it right before I became pregnant with my first child. Since then, I had 3 babies in 3.5 years, and my weight has gone up and down like a yo yo. I've always had a hard time with weight loss, at least with keeping it off. I've always tended to approach fitness in spurts - in other words, go to the gym 5 days a week for a couple months, then fall off the wagon, quit exercising altogether and gain all the weight back, plus some. I never truly approached it like a permanent lifestyle change before. I always had an excuse - I had lots of them.

Well, I'm done with excuses. I'm done with coming up with reasons why I can't lose weight. I can. And I will. I've already lost 15lbs, and my goal is to lose 60 more over the next year or so.

I've decided to take charge of my health, to approach this fitness journey as a form of self care, and to be the healthiest, happiest version of myself not just for me, but for my family. You know how flight attendants always say to put your own oxygen mask on before helping others? That is what I'm doing. Taking care of my body and mind so I can be the best mother to my children. Because I AM worth it.

My oldest son is 4 now. He's getting older. He's starting to form memories. I want him to remember me in the best possible light. When I'm working out regularly, getting my daily dose of endorphins,  I am a better person. I'm a better mom. I'm more patient, have more energy, and just feel overall like I can cope better with whatever life throws me way. By becoming fit, I can keep up with my two crazy energetic boys running all over the place. I can run around and play tag, I can play sports with them. I can be the mom I want them to remember me as.  I want to be a good role model for my sons and daughter.

And yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it: I want to look good naked, and be able to feel confident clothes shopping and rock any outfit I choose.

So here goes nothing. My goal is to post 2-3 times a week, perhaps more, perhaps a little less, depending on what's going on in my life. Expect weight loss reports, clean eating recipes, and workout reviews. And yes, probably some corny self discovery stuff. I'm in this for the long haul, to transform my whole self after all...mind AND body.

Let's do this together. Are you ready? Let's go.

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